Money and Abundance

Bra Straps

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Last Friday I wore a bra strap in my hair. I have no hair ties and so I resorted to…No I resourcefully utilized the bra strap. I had two hair ties left and I simply cannot find them. I experienced an odd sensation Thursday night, when I saw the purple bra strap in my underwear drawer. Without much thought, I grabbed the bra strap and wrapped it around my hair. I told myself then, that I would simply use the bra strap to tie my hair back while I showered. And I did. After I showered, I braided my kinky curls and brushed my teeth and went to bed.

purple bra strap elastic

Friday morning, the dilemma of no hair ties represented itself again. And so, I rummaged through the underwear drawer and found a black bra strap. I smoothed the unruly curls into a puff and secured it with the bra strap, then I pinned it into a bun.

All day at work, the missing hair ties and the bra strap flittered through my mind. It was never at the fore of my thoughts but it was there, close by, hovering and tickling me. The niggling thought, “you have a bra strap in your hair.” It bothered me for two reasons:

  1. I could not find the two missing hair ties
  2. It was only the first Friday in December and I was broke.

Let me clarify this. I have already paid my rent, all my utility bills and my credit card. I went grocery shopping and stocked up on food items and necessities. I still had money for food for the rest of the month. But those were my basic needs. The truth was I could afford a new pack of hair ties. But were they really neccessary?

This distinguishing of needs and wants is new to me. That is what this point in my life boils down to, money.  I need more money. I am a monthly salaried worker, a millennial, a late 20-something. I have next to nothing in my savings account. Each month I manage to cover the basics. I desire more. Extra money to save to buy a house, a car, to fully pay off my debt, eliminate debt and save for emergencies, retirement and having my first baby in 2020.

I am finally understanding and applying a budget. I seek to create a new relationship with money. I desire growth and seek prosperity. Join me on my journey to create a life of abundance, joy, light and creative energy.


Chantel DaCosta is a storyteller, editor and lifestyle blogger. She is passionate about mental health awareness and Jamaican women's own-voices stories.


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