Life in Jamaica,  Love and relationships,  Personal Growth


Reading Time: 2 minutes


This picture of 18-year old me popped up in Facebook memories yesterday. The picture was taken in January 2006 at the Preston Hall dinner while I was at UWI Mona. Yes, that’s right, the picture was taken over a decade ago. Besides being older, I am calmer now. I am far more patient and so much more more focused. Seeing this picture, I began reflecting on the passage of time and  changes.

In May 2006, exams would be over, my first year of university complete. That single year had changed so many aspects of my life. Most of the changes were good.  Living on campus had been a great learning experience. I was away from home for the first time. I had to navigate self-management. I had to budget (failed miserably at this). I learned new things not only in my humanities classes that I thoroughly enjoyed but I learned new things about myself.

I found that I was far more outgoing. I was willing to try all sorts of new things. I learned how to interact with different types of persons. In classes, group assignments, dorm clusters there was such diversity in cultures, personality types and temperaments.  It was a good year, a defining year filled with explorations. And by May it was over and I had a single focus, summer fun.

That summer I didn’t have a care in the world. I was determined to go out more. That summer I made new friends. Tossed aside those who I felt were not fun to be around anymore. I went to all the major parties.  I was young, carefree and reckless. 

Today I am thankful that I have grown out of certain patterns of behaviour. In the 10 years I have changed in some truly wonderful ways.  
  1.  I know myself and I am happy with me as I am. 
  2. I freely give and accept love.
  3. I am fully committed to growth.
  4. I am accepting of my journey.
  5. I am selective about who I interact with.
  6. I guard my personal space.
  7. I only participate in activities that I fully enjoy.
  8.  I am comfortable saying no without giving an explanation.  
  9. I take care of my body.
  10. I am wholly committed to fulfilling my dreams.

In May 2016, I am looking forward to my upcoming vacation. (So in some ways nothing really changes. I still like diving into summer). I need rest. I need a break from the daily routines at work. I need day trips to the beach. I am looking forward to attending book events. I envision weeks of lounging.  I see myself sleeping in, reading most of the afternoon and of course writing. 




Chantel DaCosta is a storyteller, editor and lifestyle blogger. She is passionate about mental health awareness and Jamaican women's own-voices stories.


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