Particpating NaNoWriMo 2016
Well I have news to share, I am attempting NaNoWriMo next month. Well I am attempting NaNoWriMo in a few days, November 1 is next week Tuesday. I am going to write the Sixth Culling.
I am nervous and excited about attempting this, and honestly very unprepared and intimidated.
The last few days I have been watching YouTube videos about NaNoWriMo preparation, novel outlining, character development and writing tips.
Here are few suggestions and advice resources that I have found helpful:
The NaNoWriMo blog (obviously):
The Write Practice NaNoWriMo Workshop
Search NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo 2016 and a lot videos will pop one. This one was one of the first ones I watched.
So I am excited, I am still preparing, I am not quite there yet but I have six days to go to get there. By there, I am fully prepared and ready to tackle writing a full length novel.
Is anyone else participating? Any first timers? What about the NaNoWriMo veterans, any tips or advice to share?

Mike Senczyszak
Best of luck Chantel. I considered it this year, but as usual, things got busy quickly. Keep your eyes on the prize, and 50,000 words later, you’ll be glad you did. Cheers!
Chantel DaCosta
Thanks Mike. 50,000 words, free writing, 1,700 words per day. I am going for it.
Mike Senczyszak
Best of luck Chantel!
Chantel DaCosta
Thanks Mike.