MJV Bookish Thoughts

Books I Won't Be Reading This November

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I am not going read this November because this month I am writing.

OK I may read a chapter or two of the books I have on my currently reading list before bed, but besides this I am really going to be focused on writing.

Yesterday I started my NaNoWriMo project and  I have 2,614 words so far, writing up to 8:30 last night.

There are some bookish things and book releases that I am excited about and I wanted to share some of them really quickly today.

NetGalley has  new categories.  Diversity is being integrated into NetGalley, they have added a multicultural interests category. So far I have added two books from that category to my shelf, Dance on the Volcano by Marie Vieux -Chauvet and The Hour of Daydreams by Renee Macalino Rutlege.

NetGalley also added true crime and historical fiction as new categories.

28763485I was also approved to get access to Nicola Yoon’s new book, The Sun Is Also A Star. This book will be officially released tomorrow, November 3, 2016. It is YA, Nicola Yoon is a Jamaican author or well Jamaican-born author. I have never read anything by Yoon so I can’t say how much Jamaicaness is really represented in her work. The main character Natasha is also Jamaican, so I am looking forward to getting to this book really soon.

Another book that I really excited about having is Here Comes The Sun by Nicole Y. Dennis-Benn. This I got a birthday gift from my dear friend André Robb. Thanks André. img_20161021_204829471

cover92599-mediumI am also excited about receiving a copy of Nicole Blade’s The Thunder Beneath Our Us. I started reading the e-galley but I am anxiously awaiting the physical copy which Nicole was kind enough to send out to members of the Blades Brigade.

All these books are stories I hope to get to in December but they may just end up being my January books for my 2017 reading challenge because I am already “booked” for December.

26840718 I am already dedicated to the Writerly Yours Christmas Readathon.  The main readathon book that we will all read is the regency romance novella,  A Christmas Surprise by Emily Murdoch. If you want to join us and get a free copy of the readathon book just sign up at Writerly Yours.

The other two books I am reading a light fun Christmas stories.

I am still taking recommendations for December, so are there any Caribbean Christmas stories that anyone can share? Let me know. Thanks.


And in awesome first blog giveaway news, JodieP from Jamaica is the winner!  She has been notified by email and the books will be mailed to her soon. Thanks to everyone who entered and supported. Truly appreciated the support.

I will chat with you guys again on Friday,  I will be sharing the fourth and final part of my short story Reunion.

Chantel DaCosta is a storyteller, editor and lifestyle blogger. She is passionate about mental health awareness and Jamaican women's own-voices stories.


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