Happy Friday

Where I Find Inspirations: Friday Favs Three Websites That I Love

Reading Time: 2 minutes


It is Friday! Yay! I am looking forward to rest and sleep this weekend. That is all I want, to sleep in tomorrow.I do want to check out the Jamaican Christmas local market place on Sunday but I am fully committed to leaving my home. I deserve sleep this weekend.

Today,  I want to share my favourite websites that uplift me throughout the week. For each of the websites, I am a subscriber and I get daily articles from these websites that I have grown to rely on. Just one quick note before I list them, I was going to share in alphabetical order, however, I am going to share in order of how long long I have been subscribed, starting with the one I have been reading for the longest.


I found out about mindbodygreen last year. I believe in was November 2015 and it was from Twitter. One of my former co-workers, (hi Marsha-Gay), tweeted one of their articles and I started reading the articles. And I subscribed in late December and did their 2016 New Year’s Challenge and I have loved their website since. I get daily emails from them. mbg publishes articles that cover health and wellness,  relationships, nutrition. All the good stuff. Their tagline is that they want to inspire you to live your best life. This week from their daily  email newsletters, I really enjoyed, 15 Easy Ways To Get More Joy Out Of Every Day


I have shared an inspirational article from Deniz Yalim at BayArt before on a Sunday evening. I met Deniz via Tumblr and I have been following BayArt here on WordPress for several months. BayArt is a great resource and safe space on the internet. It is a growing community. And Deniz and her team believe in telling stories and opening up the space for persons to share, learn and be uplifted. They allow contributory posts as well which is great for someone who wants to open up and share and connect. This week, this little gem from BayArt was sent to my inbox,  12 Habits to Kick for a Simpler and Happier Life.


I am still fairly new to Lifehack. I saw one of their posts on Facebook and eventually signed up for their email notifications. The website has a wide range of topics that it covers from work, health, wellness, lifestyle and money. This week I enjoyed this list, 10 Habits Successful People Give Up to Increase Their Productivity.

Chantel DaCosta is a storyteller, editor and lifestyle blogger. She is passionate about mental health awareness and Jamaican women's own-voices stories.

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