MJV Bookish Thoughts

#AngelofTime Blog Tour: Guest Post by E. Graziani

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Leonardo da Vinci and the Madonna of the Rocks

Good day everyone and thanks for joining me here on My Jamaican Vignettes, guest blogging on the Alice-Angel of Time blog tour, the theme, A Virtual Tuscany Tour with Ali and Claudio. This global event is happening to celebrate the launch of my newest release, published by Morning Rain Publishing. Almost two years to the day after Alice of the Rocks: Part One, my debut novel was launched here in Canada, the conclusion of Alice and Claudio’s journey will be available for all to read. Thank you to Chantel for kindly hosting me! And a huge thank you goes out to Priya Prithviraj of writerlyyoursco.blogspot.ca for organizing all the events – check out the website for a detailed schedule.

You know, it still makes me shiver at how many readers have told me that they felt like they were in the story with our power couple, Ali and Claudio, living every twist and turn in the plot, walking in the garden with them when they shared their first kiss, and racing through the streets of Renaissance Florence to escape the Medici guards. Now, its sequel which was released on September 15th, 2016, is out there and I encourage all my friends to read it! Both Alice of the Rocks – and the sequel, Alice-Angel of Time, are available on Amazon and Indigo, and frankly, all over the world, really!

Now on with the post about Leonardo and the painting which inspired the books.

 Here is a pic of the statue of Leonardo da Vinci taken outside Palazzo Vecchio (literally the ‘Old Palace’ of the Medici dynasty) in Florence. The ‘Master’, as Claudio often refers to him, is an integral part of Alice-Angel of Time, just as he was in the first book!


Another pic is of the painting Madonna of the Rocks, which is actually in London at the National Gallery. Have a look at the ‘angel’ on the lower right – guess from whom Leonardo took inspiration to paint it?


Finally, the last image is of the front door of the monastery at Galluzzo where Leonardo hides his secret Chamber – in Alice-Angel of Time, it proves to be a troublesome obstacle for Alice and Claudio.


Hope you enjoyed the pictures – thanks again  Chantel  for having me as a guest.

Happy Sunday guys, wasn’t Edy’s short tour of Tuscany and #AliceinTime fun? Tomorrow the tour stops at Wild Writing Life. Also you can follow the tour and daily updates on the Writerly Yours #AngelofTime Tour event on Facebook.

Be sure to check out Alice on The Rocks and Alice-Angel of Time,

Talk again on Wednesday for two new book reviews.



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