Book Feature: Here Comes The Sun by Nicole Dennis-Benn
Here Comes The Sun is one of the best debut books this year, and I am happy to finally have a copy. So today, no long reviews or discussions, just a quick summary and feature of this book that has been on my TBR and want to read list for months.
Goodreads Summary: Capturing the distinct rhythms of Jamaican life and dialect, Nicole Dennis- Benn pens a tender hymn to a world hidden among pristine beaches and the wide expanse of turquoise seas. At an opulent resort in Montego Bay, Margot hustles to send her younger sister, Thandi, to school. Taught as a girl to trade her sexuality for survival, Margot is ruthlessly determined to shield Thandi from the same fate. When plans for a new hotel threaten their village, Margot sees not only an opportunity for her own financial independence but also perhaps a chance to admit a shocking secret: her forbidden love for another woman. As they face the impending destruction of their community, each woman—fighting to balance the burdens she shoulders with the freedom she craves—must confront long-hidden scars. From a much-heralded new writer, Here Comes the Sun offers a dramatic glimpse into a vibrant, passionate world most outsiders see simply as paradise.
I really hope I that I will love this book. For some strange reason, I have high expectations for this one. Has anyone read this as yet? How was it? Please no spoilers, just share your overall impressions, thanks ever so much.
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I really, really enjoyed it and a part of it made me cry. As I’ve said, on Goodreads, personally, (not to make comparisons but still), it did for me what “The Bluest Eye” did by exposing the psychological violence of antiblackness ON black women in particular and in a West Indian context which I had never read like this before. It does other things as well, but this especially struck me because of the way it underpins the lives of all of the central characters and of course, we as Caribbean people, still struggle with that today.
Chantel DaCosta
Oh my goodness! Like Toni Morrison’s “The Bluest Eye.” Now I need to start reading now. I love “The Bluest Eye” it is the book I recommend the most. Thanks so much.