MJV Bookish Thoughts

Book review: Live and Love Again by Jan Gayle

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Jan Gayle’s debut novel is a short and sweet romance story. Gayle’s protagonist,

Sarah Jarret struggles every day with the death of her long-time partner, Sarah meets and falls for the wealthy architect, Jessica Whitney. my only issue with this stoiry was that the characters appeared to be modeled from so many romance novels, with a regular person being swept up by an uber rich suitor and they fall for each almost instantly. 

Goodreads Summary: 

 Even after three years, Sarah Jarret struggles every day with the death of her long-time partner. Her tough exterior and extreme independence has made her almost completely isolate herself, but Sarah may finally be beginning to get herself back together. Her small custom furniture building business is showing real potential and forcing her out of her comfort zone. And Jessica Whitney, a beautiful and successful Chicago architect, just walked into her life. Jessica and Sarah are immediately attracted to each other, and they fall fast and hard, but Sarah’s guilt and pride may push Jessica away and keep Sarah from opening up to the possibility of new love.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for granting me access. This was book 10 in my 2016 reading challenge. 

Chantel DaCosta is a storyteller, editor and lifestyle blogger. She is passionate about mental health awareness and Jamaican women's own-voices stories.

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