MJV Bookish Thoughts

Books I Started Reading (Months Ago) But Did Not Finish (As Yet) Part 4

Reading Time: < 1 minute

These books are completely unrelated I grouped them together just because I had two books left. Sorry. 

I requested Gina Barreca’s  If you Lean In, Will Men Just Look Down Your Blouse? from NetGalley and this was a funny book. These are essays on feminism, the empowerment of women and it was so good and funny. I read the title essay first, an obvious dig on Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In. Then I returned to the beginning of the book and started reading in earnest. The essays were thought provoking, and funny and I agreed with lots of the sentiments but I didn’t finish it.  But I will. I swear I will complete this book before the end of 2016. 

Sugarland I can’t make the same promise, the book was slow, and while there is a mixed of black and white characters, the writer is a white woman and as a person of African descent I felt some discomfort in her descriptions. I am will uncertain about the book. But the most important reason for pausing this book was the mystery is slow in getting on. Someone died, then another person died, no connection established then someone is missing but the mystery of it all was so unclear, so I stopped reading.  

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