Life in Jamaica
Personal essays about my life in Jamaica and my journey towards mindful and intentional living.
Currently Reading: Kingsun The Testaments of Sunlight and Water
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIn my bag, for reading this week, Kingsun: The Testaments of Sunlight and Water, a chapbook by Gladstone Taylor
2016 Reading Goals Update
Reading Time: 2 minutesWe are half way through 2016 and I am quite happy with my reading progress to date. Here are my primary reading goals for 2016: 1. Read at least 60…
Focus On Now
Reading Time: < 1 minute I am excited and optimistic, I am in a state of constantly looking ahead. Last week, was my final week as Research Officer/Writer at the Jamaica Information Service. Tomorrow, I…
Reading Time: 2 minutesI must be patient. I need to be gentle with myself and others. I need to be open to accepting, letting go and allowing things to unfold as they ought…
Currently Reading: Nailbiters
Reading Time: < 1 minuteCurrently reading: Nailbiters by MK Williams Newest book in the Writerly Yours Bloggers Club Details on the #Nailbitersnovel book blog tour coming soon. @writerlyyours @priyaprithviraj
Reading Time: 4 minutesI believe it is possible to transform our lives if we commit to making consistent small changes, learning, growing and being gentle with ourselves while we work towards a better…
Nalo Hopkinson TEDx Animation on descriptive writing
Reading Time: < 1 minute[youtube] (via (Source: