MJV Bookish Thoughts
Bookish thoughts, book reviews and book giveaways.
Witness (Flash Fiction Story) by Chantel DaCosta
Reading Time: 3 minutes Witness by Chantel DaCosta 16.9.16 @7:41 am “He smelled her.” Devon said, his voice laced with shock, disgust and wonderment. “What?” I hadn’t been paying attention, not to anything…
Book Review: Diamonds of Death (Lady Alkmene Callender Mysteries #2) by Vivian Conroy
Reading Time: 2 minutesGoodreads Book Summary: The second Lady Alkmene Callender Mystery A family of secrets… After hearing about the vicious murder of her relation, Lord Winters, Lady Alkmene is intrigued to…
Where I Find Inspirations: Friday Favs Three Websites That I Love
Reading Time: 2 minutesIt is Friday! Yay! I am looking forward to rest and sleep this weekend. That is all I want, to sleep in tomorrow.I do want to check out the Jamaican…
#WYChristmasReadathon Currently Reading: The Christmas Cake Cafe by Sue Watson
Reading Time: 2 minutesIts almost Christmas and most of the books I will be reading for the rest of the year will be holiday themed. I am participating in the Writerly Yours Christmas Readathon…
“Imagining Writing Spaces” : Flash Fiction Friday
Reading Time: 3 minutesHello. This is actually a re-post, the flash fiction pieces are from The Stories of Chantel DaCosta Tumblr days. I rediscovered these when I was playing around in the blog’s…
Reading and Writing (Very Slowly): NaNoWriMo 2016 Update
Reading Time: 3 minutesHappy Birthday to my lovely life partner! And Happy Wednesday (to everyone else)! November has been so much fun for me this year, I have been celebrating life milestones. These…
Book Feature: Here Comes The Sun by Nicole Dennis-Benn
Reading Time: 2 minutesHere Comes The Sun is one of the best debut books this year, and I am happy to finally have a copy. So today, no long reviews or discussions, just…