Don’t Call It A Comeback: Well Maybe Do Because My Jamaican Vignettes Is Returning To Its Roots

Welcome back.
It has been years since I wrote anything for My Jamaican Vignettes and then I woke up on Thursday 15 September 2022 and decided I want to blog again.
What Is New At My Jamaican Vignettes
Well I really haven’t done a content plan or strategy for the blog as yet, but I do know that I want to get back to the roots of MJV and why I started blogging in the first place.
So expect book reviews, book discussions and wellness and lifestyle content.
I will update you with a blog post if anything changes.
So what have been up to since 2019?
Life Update
In 2019, I took an unplanned break from blogging on My Jamaican Vignettes with a vague plan to pick it up and then that never happened.
In January 2020, I was promoted to Editor at Yello Media Group and my workload and focus shifted to excelling in my new role. Of course, by March 2020, Jamaica was in lockdown due to COVID-19 and my focus was then on staying safe and healthy.
Thankfully, me and my household remained COVID free and healthy and I hope that continues.
I am keen on maintaining my physical and mental health and so far I am happy with what I am doing.
So what about books?
Reading Updates
My reading habits have changed. I read slower now and as such I read less books that I did before.
For the Goodreads 2022 Reading Challenge, I pledged 24 books and so far I have read 18 books. It has been a mixed bag with my best reads being four-star books and there have been some two-star and sadly one one-star book. I am now more of a mood reader and I have been reading mostly romance novels and mystery (particularly cosy mysteries).
I am also attempting the Book Riot Read Harder 2022 Challenge and I have completed four books from the 24 reading prompts.
Currently Reading
Presently, I am reading three books.
The Bromance Book Club (Bromance Book Club #1) by Lyssa Kay Adams

Body and Soul Food (Books & Biscuits Mystery # 1) by Abbie Collette

The Secret Lives of Church Ladies by Deesha Philyaw
Women’s fiction, literary fiction short story collection

So What’s Next?
I think my next post will be a book review from one of these books in another week or so. For now I will stick to Sunday morning posts at 9am. Lately, I haven’t been writing detailed reviews of the books I’ve read and instead I have been using the simple star-ratings. So this will be an interesting shift for me. Hopefully, I can still draft a sensible book review.
Thanks for reading,

Welcome back to blogging my darling. I’m so happy to see MJV up and running again.
Chantel DaCosta
Thanks so much.