Happy Friday

First Try Friday: PandaVita Organic Baobab Powder

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Happy Friday!

Today I have something completely new to share with you. This is a first for My Jamaican Vignettes. Today I am testing out a new product, my first time trying out the PandaVita Organic Baobab Powder. 

I connected with Kieran, the Director of PandaVita, via the Bloggers Required network. And Kieran was kind enough to send me the product to try and review.


So what exactly is baobab powder? 

The powder is derived from a the pod or fruit of the baobab tree. The baobab tree is also known by various names including the ‘cream of tartar’ and the ‘monkey bread tree’. According to PandaVita, the baobab powder provides up to six times more vitamin C than oranges, more antioxidants than blueberries, more potassium than that in bananas and twice the amount of calcium that is found in a glass of milk.

So I wanted why did I want to try this “superfood”?  Well I really do not eat what I should. I avoid ripe bananas (yuck I really hate the smell and texture). I have terrible eating habits. This is something I am slowly trying to resolve. I have high hopes that in 2017 I will be able to shift into eating a more healthier balanced diet. Including this powdered supplement in my drink and food is one small step towards a healthier, more nutrient rich diet.

According to the PandaVita website and the baobab powder package instructions, two teaspoons of the powder can be added to food, water, drinks etc for that added boost of nutrients, fibre and energy. The PandaVita website has an amazing range of delicious recipes and recommended uses for the baobab powder.

I decided to use the baobab powder in my own special blend. I call it the Paradise Bliss Smoothie.

Paradise Bliss Smoothie

At first try, or at first taste rather, the powder was slightly bitter. And I was concerned about how much the powder’s flavour would affect my drink, but I pressed on.

Before my first try, first taste test.

My Paradise Bliss smoothie is quite simple to make and it taste great. I used 1% milk as my base and I added pineapples, mango flavoured yogurt, and double strawberry ice cream and I added two teaspoons of the boabab powder with ice and blended. I also added cinnamon and vanilla was extra spice and a little salt for taste.

Main ingredients

My drink was made in a few seconds with my trusty blender and I was quite pleased. The tangy taste of the powder did not interfere with the fruits and creaminess of the smoothie. The packet of Panda Vita boabab powder that I received was 25 grams (a sample pack) and I do have quite a bit left over to experiment with. I will be using in my breakfast oats and porridge over the next few weeks.

I made a quick recipe card so that I also replicate my smoothie results in the future. Feel free to try it.


PandaVita offers worldwide shipping, you can check out their store and the different sizes and costs and shipping. Also visit PandaVita on Facebook, and IG to see their latest promotions. The company also has a cool rewards and customer loyalty system that offers pretty neat discounts and freebies.


I have some other news to share. My Jamaican Vignettes and I are going on Christmas break. Yay. I need a break. I am looking forward to visiting with my family and friends. So, I decided to take a break from blogging.

This first first try Friday is my last post for 2016.

While I am away from the blog, I will continue to share on social, we can connect on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Have a fantastic holiday. Blessings of light, warmth, joy, love and contentment to everyone. Thanks so much for your support.

See you in 2017.


Chantel DaCosta is a storyteller, editor and lifestyle blogger. She is passionate about mental health awareness and Jamaican women's own-voices stories.

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