Life in Jamaica

Help! I Have Not Blogged In A Month: Time To Get Unstuck

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hello Everyone,

Happy Sunday!

I have not blogged since February 22.  Now I am trying to get unstuck and start blogging again.  And I am not sure why I have been away this long. That is a lie. Perhaps.   I have been off-line for a few reasons.

I feel:

  • Disconnected
  • Uninspired
  • Stressed
  • Anxious
  • Tired
  • Out of sorts

And for the last few weeks I simply did not plan, or write new content. It has been close to a month and now I am uncertain  how to get myself unstuck. I have not been doing much in my little break.

Here is a quick update in the form of a bullet journal inspired currently list:

Right now I am currently:

  • Not blogging consistently and I am so sorry. In the next weeks I have a new blog tour partnership with the Writerly Yours Bloggers’ Club.
  • Reading, The Last City (The Last City book #1) by Logan Keys. It is a dystonia zombie  post-apocalyptic novel. I am kind of struggling with this one. And Fairytale: The Novel by Hope Pennington. This book will the March/Aprl Writerly Yours Bloggers Club book. And I am hosting the weekly Twitter chats. Follow #FairytaleTheNovel and check out the discussion led by me, @lucifree.
  • Writing, in my journal only.  And of course I write and create content everyday for work, check out my content on Find Yello (scroll below the fold to find articles about life in the Caribbean and use the drop-down search bar to select countries).
  • Watching, zilch, I am not that big on TV shows. I have not even been watching YouTube videos.
  • Feeling, anxious and to be honest I have not been meditating lately. I need to start meditating before bed.
  • Eating, chicken and vegetables. I feel guilty about not eating more beans and fantasizing about cheese burgers and bacon. I need to get my mind right.
  • Listening to the Hey Sis Podcast and The Brothers Karamazov.

Thanks for sticking with me guys. I appreciate it. And special thanks to Nadine Tomlinson who as asked on Facebook what has been happening with the blog.

Did you guys like/follow the My Jamaican Vignettes Facebook page? Please do, thanks so much.

What’s Coming Up Soon (Get Unstuck Action Plan)

I am blogging again. We will talk again on Wednesday. And I will be maintaining the Sunday and Wednesday post schedule.  In the next weeks there will be regular book reviews, Sunday essays, a few guest posts and  new Three Bookish Thoughts author chat.

Please share your tips on staying focus, maintaining clarity and being productive. Let’s learn from each other.

Talk some more in the discussions below.

Have a happy week!



Chantel DaCosta is a storyteller, editor and lifestyle blogger. She is passionate about mental health awareness and Jamaican women's own-voices stories.


  • Nadine

    Aww, thanks for the shout-out, Chantel. I can relate to how you’re feeling. Also, I’ve battled depression all my life, so there are times when I fall into a writing slump, or just go to a very dark place.

    So, no need to apologise. I understand, and I’m sure the rest of your readers do, too. If you have a trusted confidant, see if that person can help. Take the time you need to get unstuck. That said, it’s good to have you back.

    When are the Twitter chats?

    • Chantel DaCosta

      Hey Nadine,
      The Twitter chats on Saturdays and Sundays. You follow at #WYbchat and #FairytaleTheNovel

      And thanks so much for sharing and yes I have been feeling and doing so much better.

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