Life in Jamaica

Guest Post: Living My Best Life by Creating New Habits

Reading Time: 4 minutes

My Jamaican Vignettes welcomes a special guest post from Marsha-Gay Robinson. In 2017, Marsha-Gay will create new habits by slowly implementing a new mindful and personal development goal each month. She even has a new habits calendar. Thanks Marsha-Gay for sharing this piece of yourself with us and inspiring us to chart new courses for our lives. Happy reading!

Guest Post 

by Marsha-Gay Robinson

Stretching Myself A Little Bit 

When Chantel suggested I do a guest column for My Jamaican Vignettes,  my first instinct was to say no. I am not a writer, and I have never written anything for a blog before. And after my initial thought to say no, my next question was, What would I write about that anyone else would want to read? But then, I reminded myself that for 2017, I am committed to ‘living my best life’. And that involves trying new things and stretching myself a little bit.

So here I am. Today I am flexing my writing muscles and in turn, creating a new habit.

The next challenge was deciding what I would write about. So I have decided to keep my first stint in writing simple.  And I wrote about my plans for self-growth. Last year I turned thirty,  a big milestone. And at first I was fine and I took it all in stride, I am a big girl now.

However, somewhere in the middle to the latter part of 2016  I struggled with anxiety. What am I doing? Where am I going? Shouldn’t I have it all figured out by now? So the latter part of 2016 was spent in flurry of self-help books, 30-day challenges and wellness blogs and quotes. Some things helped and others didn’t.

With 2017 fast approaching, I couldn’t think of a big resolution that I could get excited about. I could not pinpoint a major change  that would alter my life and put me on the right path for my 30s.

So I sat down and came up with 12 positive habits I wanted to cultivate.  And I would focus on them each month for 2017. In 2017, each month I am creating a new habit. Here are my simple, achievable, measurable goals for creating new positive habits:

2017 Creating New Habits Calendar

January- Mindfulness

January is the month of mindfulness. And so far I have had some successes and have struggled in other areas. Journaling has been one of my big successes. I  started journaling in November 2016, and, so far I have been able to do it almost daily. For people like me who tend to over think and over analyse, journaling has helped me to deal with my feelings and thoughts rather than just be overwhelmed by them. So I intend to continue into to journal throughout 2017.

My other success has been my Social Media Sabbatical. So far I have not been on Facebook or Instagram.  In the last few weeks I had to respond to at least a few messages but beyond this I do not sit for hours scrolling online.  I still use Twitter to share the mindfulness and wellness blogs and articles that I follow.

Social Media can be minefield which can trigger a range of negative emotions such as   anxiety about the state of the World’s affairs, to depression and anxiety about your own life. This is a lot to take in, not to mention dealing with obnoxious online bullies. This sabbatical has allowed me to unplug and to think more deeply.  Don’t get wrong I will not delete my accounts, but I think this exercise has demonstrated that I can better manage the way I interact with Social Media.

My struggles…

Meditation/visualization and breathing exercises are my problem areas.  I have not yet learnt how to control my thoughts and quiet the inner chatter. So far, all my attempts at these activities have resulted in me either falling asleep or my mind wondering off constantly. I have tried guided meditation videos and music, which assists a little. So I welcome any tips on how to meditate and be still.

I look forward to all my goals and activities for 2017 with optimism and an open mind.  Not everything will work the way I want, but that is OK.

What are your goals, resolutions or aspirations for living your best life in 2017?

Marsha-Gay Robinson is an information professional/Librarian. She has been working on enjoying this journey called life and to make 2017 the year of “living my best life”.

After her January social media sabbatical Marsha-Gay can be found on Twitter @pattigay4


Chantel DaCosta is a storyteller, editor and lifestyle blogger. She is passionate about mental health awareness and Jamaican women's own-voices stories.


  • Amanda

    Very good idea about taking the break from social media for awhile, particularly the triggering and negative parts of it.

    My main goal this year is to enjoy and live more in the present and try not to worry about the future so much, and to surround myself with more positive influences for my mind and soul.

    • Chantel DaCosta

      Hi Amanda. Thanks for sharing your goals for 2017 with us. Your plans sound fantastic. Surrounding yourself with positive influences will indeed make you happier. Best of wishes for a mindful and happy life.

  • Nadine

    Thanks for sharing your actionable intentions for living your best life, Marsha-Gay. I like the calendar and sabbatical ideas. Here’s to hoping that you’ll fulfill the intentions you’ve set for this year.

    I feel you on the matter of meditation. My INFJ brain is like having a thousand tabs open. When I used to attend yoga classes, that activity was the best thing for helping me to quiet my mind and become centered. Now, I’m trying to maintain a meditation habit. I suck at sitting meditation, though. So, I’ve been using Headspace. It’s a guided meditation app. If you aren’t using it, try it out.

    Chantel, thanks for hosting Marsha-Gay on your blog. This post has inspired me.

    • Chantel DaCosta

      Nadine. You made my day, so glad to know that you have been inspired. I admire Marsha-Gay for unplugging and disconnecting from social media. I am hooked online. It may be something I try later this year.

      I do struggle with racing thoughts and anxiety and I have not been able to meditate without some guidance. I will check out the Headspace app. Thanks so much for sharing.

  • Marsha-Gay Robinson

    Hi Nadine and Amanda thanks for the feedback. The break from social media was hard at first but I learnt to find other things to focus on. I was able to read more, I am on my third novel from the start of the year. Now that I my sabbatical, is up I will ease back into social media and try to use it in a positive way.

  • Tammy

    Hey Marsha, this is an amazing idea. I have decided to take a page out of your book and start by taking a social media sabbatical. So let’s see how it goes!

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