Life in Jamaica,  Personal Growth

Inspiration from Mystic Mama

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Happy Sunday! Happy June!

Hello June
Image Source: Free June Calendars 

Here is quick dose of inspiration and positive energy. A college of mine shared this Mystic Mama article on Google+ and I was truly inspired and decided to share on here. The theme of June is adaptability:

“This month we will get to experience that resistance is futile and stems only from our own fears of the unknown and our attachment to what we know. It is time to adapt to what is actually happening and to where the energy wants to flow.You do not have to like some of the things that are happening, you just have to stop resisting them. Resistance requires a lot of energy that can be better spent elsewhere. This is a choice. If you really embraced the lessons around trust last month, you should find yourself in a place of greater acceptance and flexibility.”

-Read more from Lena Stevens from the Power Path on Mystic Mama

Chantel DaCosta is a storyteller, editor and lifestyle blogger. She is passionate about mental health awareness and Jamaican women's own-voices stories.

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