MJV Bookish Thoughts: Autobuy Authors

Welcome back to My Jamaican Vignettes. Today I’m taking about autobuy authors that is the authors whose books I’ll preorder or buy without knowing too much details about the premise or trying a sample.
Without thinking too much two writers come to mind, Sujata Massey (the Perveen Mistry series in particular) and Jamaica Kincaid (I’ve enjoyed all her books I’ve read this year).
Nevertheless there are other authors who have joined the ranks of authors I immediately add their books to my tbr, preorder books and who’s books I eagerly anticipate new releases from.
Autobuy Authors
Sujata Massey
I’ve only read the Perveen Mistry series books by Sujata Massey and I’m now at the stage where I preorder the Kindle edition of the books as soon as I know it will be released. So she’s on my autobuy authors list. I’m considering trying another of her series but for now I’d autobuy the Perveen Mistry series specifically.
Vivian Conroy
I’ve read and enjoyed two or three Vivian Conroy mystery series the latest being Miss Ashford Investigates and I ended up preordering the ebooks in the series after enjoying the possibilities presented in book one. I feel as if I’d autobuy her next historical mystery series.
Jamaica Kincaid
Even though I didn’t remember the details of Annie John before rereading it this year for the read Jamaica Kincaid read along, this author was on my radar. But now I plan to buy all her books. I love her voice and style.
Toni Morrison (I am still collecting all her books) Sadly I doubt there will be new Toni Morrison books but I want to own all her books in physical copies. Presently I have copies of Beloved, The Bluest Eye and Song of Solomon. So there’s a way to go before my collection is completed.
N.G Peltier
Again my interest in N.G. Peltier is series specific. I intend to autobuy whatever she puts out in the Island Bites romance series because I loved books one and two. I’m also interested in seeing what she does after Island Bites is completed.
Caz Frear
Caz Frear isn’t an author I’ve mentioned on here frequently but her Cat Kinsella police procedural series is fantastic and I’ve read the first three books and if there are others in the series I’ll definitely be buying them.
Do you have autobuy authors? Or book series that you intend to get all the books in the series?
Let’s discuss.