MJV Bookish Thoughts

Most Read Authors of 2024 (So Far)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Welcome back to My Jamaican Vignettes. Today we’re sharing the most read authors of 2024. There are six authors on the list spanning the romance, mystery and paranormal genres.

Most Read Authors of 2024

Most of the authors on this list are people whose books I’ve read previously but ended up reading more from the them in 2024 while others are authors whose books I’ve had saved in Kindle but never read anything from until this year. So, it’s a mixed lot. Nevertheless all of these writers are women.

Rebekah Weatherspoon

I read three Rebekah Weatherspoon books in 2024 so far. In fact I had a Weatherspoon weekend earlier this year. It was a fun time. I read So Sweet, Haven and Fit – all book one books in book series I hope to read more from. For the rest of 2024, I think I’ll read one more book by Weatherspoon and that’s Meegan.

Whitney Hill

I had a Whitney Hill book on my Kindle was months if not years and then a whim I decided to read Secrets and Truths (Otherside Heat book one) and I got caught up in the paranormal romance world of faes, elves, weres and vampires. I ended up reading the entire trilogy.

Jeevani Charika

I read my first Jeevani Charika book in 2023. It was a NetGalley ARC and since then I’ve requested her books whenever I see them. This year her book Knowing Me Knowing You was the first book I read in 2024. Then later in the year I read The Winner Baked It All. The books are set in the same universe and the characters are somewhat connected.

Beverly Jenkins

My Beverly Jenkins books for 2024 were Rebel and Through the Storm. I hope to get to the rest of the LeVeq family series so I’ll likely end of up reading four Beverly Jenkins in 2024.

Kennedy Ryan

The two first books in the Skyland series by Kennedy Ryan are favourites of mine. And I’m currently reading Reel. I also have copies of Long Shot, Queen Move and the entire When You Were Mine series. So I am in my Kennedy Ryan era.

Jane Bettany

The Violet Brewster series by Jane Bettany are such fun and I read books two and three this year and I’m hoping there will more in the series in 2025.


Who were your most read authors of 2024?

Lets discuss more in the comments.

Chantel DaCosta is a storyteller, editor and lifestyle content creator. She is passionate about Jamaican women's own voices narratives and journeys to mindfulness.

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