MJV Bookish Thoughts

MJV Bookish Thoughts: Summer 2023 Reading Wrap-up

Reading Time: 4 minutes
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Goodbye summer. Hello fall or the Jamaica rainy season. Welcome back to My Jamaican Vignettes. Today it is all about my summer 2023 reading wrap-up.

I’ll be reviewing the books I read in August and September 2023. I read five books in that period including a five-star book.

Summer 2023 Reading Wrap-up

I read five books throughout the last two months of summer. Two mystery novels and three romances. And they were all pretty good.

August 2023 Reading Wrap-up

The Mistress of Bhatia House by Sujata Massey

The Mistress of Bhatia House by Sujata Massey was a five-star book for me. I loved it. I loved that we got insights in Perveen’s family life. I enjoyed the discussions about gender and family and women’s dependence on the men in their families. The discussions of colonial rule, religion and class. Content warnings for rape, assault and abortion.

What Never Happened by Rachel Howzell Hall

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What Never Happened by Rachel Howzell Hall was a solid four-stars. I enjoyed this creepy and atmospheric mystery thriller. Content warnings for the COVID-19 pandemic. If you aren’t ready to read about the pandemic then skip this one. It is set in the early days of March 2020.

Rachel Howzell Hall has found a new fan.

Thanks to NetGalley and publishers Thomas & Mercer for granting me access to this ARC.

Single Dads Club by Therese Beharrie

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This is a cute South African small town romance. It was a slow burn and the love interests were both dealing with childhood traumas. I wasn’t a fan of the big grand gesture at the end of overall it was a decent three-stars.

Thanks to NetGalley and publishers Montlake for giving me access to this ARC.

Mickey Chambers Shakes It Up by Charish Read

Screenshot of Scribd app

I adored Mickey and Diego from Mickey Chambers Shakes It Up by Charish Reid. I gave this contemporary romance four-stars. I found this on the Scribd app after hearing Marines of My Name is Marines talk about the book on TikTok.

The couple are in their 30s and 40s. Diego is a widow. It was so fun to listen to. I’d want to own a Kindle copy because I’d re-read it. Diego is enrolled in Mickey’s online summer college English course and Mickey gets a job at Diego’s saloon. So you can see the conflict. This was one of the best contemporary romance books I’ve read this year.

One Tough Cookie by Delise Torres

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Karina in One Tough Cookie by Delise Torres was so unlikeable. But Torres wrote a good contemporary romance. It kind of leaned more towards women’s fiction at times.

I took the cookie personally test for which Singular Cookie I am and I am a Perky cookie. Go to Torres website and take the test if you read the book.

I rated this three and half stars. And the Latina Fleabag pitch makes sense.

Content warning for abortion.

Thanks to NetGalley and publishers Alcove Press for granting me access to the ARC.

And that’s it that is my summer reading. I know I have a few more days left so I’m hoping to squeeze in two or three more books.

Currently Reading

I’m currently reading three books. Actively reading two but still these are books I have on my currently reading shelf on Goodreads.

The Prenup by Arianne Richmonde

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I’m around the 15% mark on the ebook and I think this will be my weekend read this weekend. I’m writing this blog post on Friday 15 September 2023 so maybe (hopefully) by the time this post goes live I’ll have read this thriller.

Small Worlds by Caleb Azumah Nelson

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I started reading Small Worlds last weekend after I completed One Tough Cookie but I didn’t get very far. I’m around 12% in.

Hungry Ghosts by Kevin Jared Hosein

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I’m still hoping that I can finish Hungry Ghosts by Kevin Jared Hosein in summer but I’m not going to push myself too hard because this book feels like it could evolve into a cosy yet disturbing historical mystery novel.

Because I’m An Optimist

A Perfect Vintage by Chelsea Fagan

Today (Friday 15 September) was my last working day for September and my company’s fiscal year. I’m on vacation now and I’m hoping that I can read this beach read style contemporary romance before we hit autumn 🍁.

Image source Goodreads

So maybe I’m being too optimistic but if I read Small Worlds, The Prenup and A Perfect Vintage before 23 September I’ll be over the moon because I would’ve crushed my summer 2023 reading goals.


How was your summer? Did you read any five-star books? What was your favourite book of the season?

What are you looking forward to for autumn?

My next blog post should be my October reading plans.

Happy reading!

Chantel DaCosta is a storyteller, editor and lifestyle blogger. She is passionate about mental health awareness and Jamaican women's own-voices stories.

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