Taking Time To Set Intentions (Again)
Reading Time: 2 minutesThe heady elation of the New Year and new beginnings has subsided and I now feel unsettled. The first week of 2016 was just fantastic. I was home, I took time…
Dreams Are Fragile Protect Them
Reading Time: 2 minutesTuesday night my heart broke. I shared my latest story idea and character sketches with my partner and he asked, “What’s the point of this?” I was stunned, confused and…
Creating A Community
Reading Time: 2 minutesI have a vision of creating a Caribbean literary community for emerging writers. This community shares the goal of boldly and openly claiming our vibrant voices. This vision was slow…
Reflections on Life Lessons of 2015 (or Do Not Walk Into Doors)
Reading Time: 3 minutesLearning is a lifelong journey and growth is continuous, in 2015 I absorbed some necessary lessons. I grew up this year, this is absolute. As I reflect on my year,…
My Awakening
Reading Time: 2 minutes Life is moving. It is almost the end of 2015 and so many of my plans and dreams from December 2014 did not materialize. But I am still…
Bra Straps
Reading Time: 2 minutesLast Friday I wore a bra strap in my hair. I have no hair ties and so I resorted to…No I resourcefully utilized the bra strap. I had two hair…