Reading Time: 2 minutesI fall asleep, but I do not stay asleep. And then when I do sleep, I have strange dreams. The dreams I have are what baffle me the most, fantasy…
Doing the Work I Love
Reading Time: 5 minutesThis week I made the big leap in switching platforms for My Jamaican Vignettes. I am excited about this, my first official WordPress post. Over the past three months, writing…
Happy Endings
Reading Time: 2 minutesWednesday marked a three-year work anniversary and I struggled all day not to cry because I am so frustrated. I am at the end; I can no longer see the…
Naming the Things I No Longer Believe In
Reading Time: 5 minutesAll of last week I was home sick, I had a nasty cold and severe joint pains. But I have to write. Last week, my Jamaica Vignettes subscriber Ruthibelle recommended…
Taking Time To Set Intentions (Again)
Reading Time: 2 minutesThe heady elation of the New Year and new beginnings has subsided and I now feel unsettled. The first week of 2016 was just fantastic. I was home, I took time…
Dreams Are Fragile Protect Them
Reading Time: 2 minutesTuesday night my heart broke. I shared my latest story idea and character sketches with my partner and he asked, “What’s the point of this?” I was stunned, confused and…
Creating A Community
Reading Time: 2 minutesI have a vision of creating a Caribbean literary community for emerging writers. This community shares the goal of boldly and openly claiming our vibrant voices. This vision was slow…