Life in Jamaica

An App That Can Transform Your Life

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Mindfulness must be engaged. Once there is seeing, there must be acting. Otherwise, what’s the use of seeing? – Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Do you want to be more mindful? Are you ready to see change in your thoughts and actions?  Are you someone who is struggles with staying focused? Do you want to change this?

If you do want to change your life and live a more positive and mindful life here is  a simple smartphone apps that can transform your life.

Attitudes of Gratitude Journal 

The Attitude of Gratitude Journal app is one of the easiest application to use and it can change your life.  Outside of communications apps such as Whatsapp and my social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, I use the Attitudes of Gratitude Journal app the most.

So what is this app about? The developers Vista Media describe the attitudes of gratitude journal app as a simple tool to help develop and maintain a daily attitude of gratitude.

How It Works

It app is simple in design and really easy to use. Each day a new quote or inspirational prompt is displayed.  In the main display you will be prompted with, Today I am grateful for… And all you have to do write a simple line to say thanks. Then click the highlighted, Yes, I am grateful and the entry will be saved in the gratitude journal. You have the option to add pictures to your entries and even use emojis.  Other features include pin locking the journal for extra privacy, backup and syncing the entries to the Vista Media cloud or having the entries being send to you via email.  You can also access the journal on the app website.

A wonderful feature of the app is the option to choose the frequency. You can select to write your journal entry once per day, every 12 hours, every six hours or every hour.

My Experience With The App

For the last few months I have set my journal to prompt me to write a note of gratitude every hour. This has transformed my life. And this app can transform your life as well.

This has been my experience so far. There has been a shift in my reaction to life, external experiences and my sense of inner peace. I have written about how the app can shift my mood in my essay, Gratitude Overdose. However with continued daily use, it is more than a quick feel good experience, it is slow re-configuring of the mind, as well a change in actions. I focus primarily on the good aspects of my life. I am far more attuned to positive aspects of my daily existence and interactions.

As you reflect and note on the good aspects of your life and as that list of things to be thankful grows, you will feel the changes in yourself and it will reflect in how you treat yourself and how you interact with others.

The Attitudes of Gratitude Journal is available on the Google Play Store for free. Check it out, download and install and  transform your life.

As we become more and more connected and always online and in the know, with our phones always in hand as our greatest tool, how best can we stay present and mindful?

Have you tried any form of gratitude journaling?  What is your preferred method? Pen and paper?

Please share your best tools for being thankful and mindful.

Have a blessed and peaceful week.

Chantel DaCosta is a storyteller, editor and lifestyle blogger. She is passionate about mental health awareness and Jamaican women's own-voices stories.

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