Life In Jamaica: My Top Three Wishes for Year 36

I turn 36 tomorrow. Welcome back to My Jamaican Vignettes. Today I’m sharing my top three wishes for my life in year 36.
My Top Three Wishes for Year 36
Wish One
My first wish or hope or dream is become a homeowner. I want my own space where I can decorate and build in. Homeownership was a 2023 goal but with the current market and what I’m pre-approved for I need more time. There are less than three months left in 2023 so here’s to believing I’ll get my wish during year 36.
Wish two
My second wish is to finally create healthy and consistent meal planning and exercising routines. I’ve improved over the years but I’m not consistent. And since I started my fitness journey days after I turned 35 I’ve managed to maintain my weight not gaining weight but I’m yet to lose weight in any significant amount. So this year I want to be consistent and see gains and progress.
Wish Three
My last wish is to enjoy continued balance in my mental health recovery journey. The last few years have been great. I’m balanced. There are no extreme moods and I sleep between seven to eight hours every night (nine hours on weekends). I want to continue to experience balance and wellness this year.
Happy birthday to all the Libra babies.
Next week I’m doing a deep dive into wellness apps that can help you feel more in control.
Stay well until next time.