MJV Bookish Thoughts

Tis The Holly Jolly Season: My Christmas 2023 TBR List

Reading Time: 3 minutes
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Welcome back to My Jamaican Vignettes. After the monthlong break I am back with my Christmas 2023 TBR list. Now this is still very much a mood reading list but these a the cosy Christmasy books I want to read this December.

I am in the mood for sweet and fun romance novels this holiday season and so my TBR will be primarily romance novels.

Christmas 2023 TBR List

Image source; Goodreads

Whiteout by Nicole Yoon, Angie Thomas, Ashley Woodfolk, Dhonielle Clayton, Nic Stone and Tiffany D. Jackson is a YA contemporary romance set in Atlanta at or near Christmas. And I think it is perfect to start off my holiday season with. I read Blackout in 2022 so I am interested in seeing what these authors created for the holidays.

Image source: Goodreads

Tessa Bailey’s Window Shopping is my next want to read book and this is a contemporary romance set in New York City at Christmas. I have had hits and misses with Tess Bailey and I am hoping this one will be a winner. I think it has the grumpy/sunshine trope and I usually like that dynamic.

Image source: Goodreads

Louise Lennox is a new to me author and I got this book during the Stuff Your Kindle event earlier this year and Merry Kiss Me will be the first book I read from those books that I downloaded. This is novella and I believe it is a second change romance story.

Image source: Goodreads

I’ve had my eye on A Merry Little Meet Cute by Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone for over a year now and I have it saved on Scribd (Everand) and I will get to it this year. It is book one in a series called A Christmas Notch. And I also want to read book two.

Image source: Goodreads

A Holly Jolly Ever After is a maybe on this list because I won’t read it unless I enjoy book one in the Christmas Notch series. I have the audiobook saved on Everand.

And those are the books that will be keeping me company throughout the holidays. What do you have on your Christmas 2023 TBR list? What books are you most excited about reading this holiday?

Happy reading!

Chantel DaCosta is a storyteller, editor and lifestyle blogger. She is passionate about mental health awareness and Jamaican women's own-voices stories.

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