Life in Jamaica

Vacation of Things or Vacation of Nothingness

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Vacation of Nothingness

I’m tired. I need a vacation of nothingness. And I crave rest.

Over two months ago I disappeared from MJV and I really have no specific reason to explain my absence. Nothing groundbreaking has happened either to bolster my return. I am an inconsistent blogger. I simply have no excuse to give for why I have been gone.

But today I am sharing that will be off from work and taking a two week vacation break.

Yes. It is finally time to enjoy my annual vacation. I am looking forward to to two weeks without any pressing work obligations. I am happy and grateful.

So what have I really been up to.

Life Update, I am Currently: 

By Source (WP:NFCC#4), Fair use,

The new binge watching fav is Black Mirror. This is a sci-fi anthology show, think the Twilight Zone but in the near future where our tech dependence has transcended our normal modes of being.

It is brilliant. Check out the trailer for season 4 (that’s what I could find as an official trailer, nothing from season one on YouTube). Presently, I am watching series two. Have you watched this series?

Image source: Goodreads

So I juggle books but right now I am slowing making my way through Eco punk! I added this book to my Goodreads currently reading list in March. Now I read so many books in between then and now but this short story collection is a challenge. This anthology is thought provoking and often I find myself wrapped inside an idea from the book and I find it hard to start a new story until my mind is settled. I am around 40% according my Kindle app.

My new approach is to read a new story each night before bed, so far it has been working so perhaps by the end of September I will finally have completed my first solarpunk book.

Image source: Goodreads

So I have a new favourite platform for books, it is the Scribd subscription.

I’ll share more on this later in September. But now I am listening to book two in the Raven Cycle. I loved the Raven Boys but somehow I am struggling with focusing on the story in The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater.


Relaxed. I have no work tomorrow morning. I can sleep in. Very happy and grateful.


Me. This life. Enjoying building my relationship with my partner. My family and friends. Working with an amazing team of women.

Thank you so much for those of you who stuck around. (I hope someone will read this). I have blog ideas, plans and drafts for September, please stick around. And on Wednesday, I will be sharing an update on my 2018 Goodreads reading challenge.

PS: I deleted Instagram and Facebook from my phone. So…what have you been up to?



Chantel DaCosta is a storyteller, editor and lifestyle blogger. She is passionate about mental health awareness and Jamaican women's own-voices stories.

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